Microlearning Courses & Platform
800 Microlearning Courses
That Will Engage Your People
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What is Microlearning?
Microlearning refers to a type of delivery of training and learning that is provided in short, bite-sized sessions. It focuses on condensing information into engaging, short burst-type sessions to keep learners engaged throughout and improve knowledge retention.
As a form of learning, microlearning offers benefits to both learners and employers. For learners, it allows them to learn in shorter sessions rather than lengthy programmes to aid concentration, and for employers, it is more cost-effective as it doesn’t require teams to take long amounts of time away from their responsibilities.
Microlearning will provide your staff with the “must have” skills and behaviours they need to be more effective in their role. Each session is focused on a selection of key skills delivered in quick, short bursts that make the learning memorable.

800 Microlearning Courses And An
Easy To Use Microlearning Platform
We have over 800 microlearning training courses, each session lasts for a couple of minutes and comes with a cheat sheet visual, three specific actions to implement in the workplace and a coaching blueprint for the line manager of the learner so they can help them to embed the learning.
All of this increases engagement, content retention and ultimately, business results as there is a requirement to make tangible actions and changes at the end of each session.
Our Microlearning Whitepaper
If you are new to microlearning, our whitepaper offering an essential guide to using it as part of your learning will help you.

Learn more about microlearning with our thorough and in-depth whitepaper.
Our microlearning whitepaper includes information on:
- • What is microlearning?
- • Latest research on microlearning
- • Key features and benefits of the approach
- • The DNA of microlearning
- • How organisations use it
- • Is it a good fit for your company?
- • How to create an effective session
Microlearning Examples
The videos below show three different examples of microlearning being effectively put into practice.
Motion Graphic Style
What Is Coaching?
Presenter Style
“How To Close A Difficult Conversation”
Animation Style
“Receiving & Processing Information”
How Can Microlearning Be Used?
As A Resource For “On Demand” Learning
Skillshub is ideal for “just-in-time” learning. Organisations can provide their staff with a “go-to” resource, on demand, and staff can gain access to the elearning content to help them at their moment of need rather than having to wait for a formal training course or having to use Google for the knowledge that they need.
For Use In Self-Directed Learning
Skillshub is ideal for organisations that provide learning resources for their workforce to self-select. Clients use the resources on our LMS and others use them on their own system or on their intranet. This approach is used by companies that create learning pathways and staff who are in charge of their own development.
Resources To Use For The 70-20-10 Model
Clients use our microlearning videos and the resources as a formal learning tool for the 10%, as a coaching aid for the 20% and the action planning activities are ideal as part of the 70% in terms of learning “on-the-job”. Therefore for organisations that use the 70-20-10 model, Skillshub covers all of the bases in one go.
To Help Embed The Learning At Work
Many employees are left to their own devices to embed and implement the learning after a training course or eLearning session. Skillshub users work through relevant content and then the action planning activities to embed the learning and take action at work.
As Part Of Blended Learning Programmes
Some clients use Skillshub microlearning sessions in-between weekly or monthly face-to-face workshops as part of their blended learning solutions. They select which sessions complement the programme objectives and use them as individual training sessions or to help embed the learning from workshops that have been run.
For Internal L&D and Trainer Resources
Internal L&D/training teams use the resources for the courses that they run. They blend sessions into their workshops and use the downloads as activities. They also use the material for coaching, mentoring and for their own self-development. When approached by the business they can match training needs to specific sessions.
As A Management & Leadership Resource
Skillshub is used as part of an “Academy” or internal “Learning Hub” where all of the managers and leaders within the organisation have access to use all of the sessions and resources as coaching aids. They schedule their staff to view a session, implement the action and then coach them on the outcomes.
As Part Of Mobile Learning
Media companies and “high tech, high touch” organisations use Skillshub as part of their mobile learning strategy. Each of the sessions is ideal to view and consume on a mobile or tablet. The Skillshub platform itself is fully responsive and makes learning an effortless experience for the end user on any device.
Standalone Option For Staff Development
Clients use Skillshub as an addition to what they are currently running internally. It’s something new and different. Some roll it out across the business and enable managers and their teams to self-select and some cherry pick the sessions required from development needs identified from appraisals and self-assessments.
Pre & Post Workshop Activities
Some clients use our resources for pre-coursework before a workshop. They ask delegates to view a session and to either make some notes or take some action before a training event. Likewise, our microlearning sessions are used after an event to reinforce the learning, help with action planning and act as a refresher if needed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there any microlearning research out there?
What are the main microlearning principles?
Is microlearning effective?
Do you have any microlearning videos that we could use?
Is there a specific platform or LMS for this approach?
Benefits of Microlearning
Here are some of the benefits that you can experience with our microlearning sessions.
Saves Time
Each session last a couple of minutes to limits time away from the office.
Take Away Actions
Each session has three specific actions for you to complete.
Keeps Your Attention
Better attention = better retention and improves buy-in to the learning.
Engaging Content
Video instructors coupled with on-screen graphic reminders.
“Doing” Not Theory
Sessions focused on the most important, practical elements.
70-20-10 Enabled
Ideal for 70-20-10 style of training and coaching aids too.
Empowers Your Learners
Self-directed learning means learners are in charge of their development
Engage Gen Z & Millennials
Allows you to engage gen Z who tend to have a short attention span
Any Device, Anytime
Desktop, mobile or tablet – you can learn on the device of your choice
Agile Learning
Sessions can be deployed very quickly and are ideal for collaboration
Specific, Not Broad Needs
Short, focused sessions centred on one specific skill or behaviour
Better Retention
Research has proven that knowledge retention increases with microlearning
Cheat Sheets
Each session comes with a one page cheat sheet of the essential information
Sessions are available on-demand whenever learners require them
Coaching Blueprints
Coaching questions and aids are supplied to help you coach and embed learning in the workplace