10 Essential Elements for a Winning L&D Strategy

Understanding the essential elements for a winning L&D strategy is crucial for any organisation aiming to foster growth and innovation. As an eLearning company, we recognise the importance of aligning educational goals with business objectives to create impactful learning experiences. This blog explores the key components that can transform your approach to staff development, ensuring

Pedagogy vs Andragogy: What’s the Difference for Learning Strategies?

Even if you don’t work in the education sector, you’ve likely heard the word “pedagogy.” The term “andragogy” is a little less familiar to most, though. In this guide, you’ll learn the difference between pedagogy and andragogy and discover the various ways that an elearning company, like Skillshub, can help you apply the principles of

What is Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve and How to Overcome it

Ever heard of Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve? Forgetting is so frustrating, whether you’re trying to remember someone’s name or remember the steps needed to perform a specific task. It’s also frustrating when you’ve worked hard to develop a lesson and share it with others, only to have them almost instantly forget all the knowledge you have

The Benefits of Training and Development in the Workplace

The benefits of training and development are multifaceted and deeply intertwined with an organisation’s success. Investing in employee growth isn’t just a nod to personal development but a critical component in achieving operational excellence. By equipping staff with the skills and knowledge they need, businesses not only amplify their competitiveness but also foster a culture

Learning Objectives: How to Write, Types and Examples

  Learning objectives are a critical aspect of lessons and course planning. For teachers, they enable clear expectations of what will be covered and ensure the learning can be easily measured. For students, learning objectives provide an overview of the key points and main building blocks covered in a topic. Skillshub’s experience in the academic

How To Tell If Online Courses Are Legitimate Or Scams

Around 40 million people within the UK were targeted by scams in 2023 so far, according to research from Citizens Advice. Unfortunately, scams are prevalent worldwide, and many people fall victim to them and lose their money to fraudsters. In order to prevent people from falling for these scams, Skillshub looked into some tell-tale signs

Top 9 Learning and Development Trends for 2023

Here’s nine trends for the learning and development universe to consider for 2023. The learning and development industry evolves each and every year. New trends emerge, some fall off the radar completely and others metamorphose themselves into other formations (the LMS to LXP to Online Learning Platform as an example!). L&D professionals all over the

How To Create a Learning Culture That Drives Business Performance

It is becoming increasingly important for organisations to encourage continuous improvement and learning throughout their entire enterprise. These days, potential employees seek outprogressive places to work, which comes down to the culture of your organisation and a learning culture in particular. There’s a growing and significant trend towards continuous professional development (CPD). Always a part

21 Working from Home Tips

The figures on the increase in home and hybrid working since the start of 2020 are remarkable. According to Forbes, up to 25% of all professional roles will be remote by 2023. Furthermore, according to the Forbes article, in the 2021 State of Remote Work Report from Owl Labs, 90% of survey respondents claimed they

Transfer of Learning – Benefits, Models & Implementation

The objective of learning is not learning, it’s performance improvement. Rather than learning for the sake of it, learning should have an end product to reach that is more than than just increased knowledge. The learning that you provide for your people, both formal and informal, should be closely linked to business outcomes and objectives.

An Essential Guide to Virtual Learning Environments

Previous forecasts showed that 98% of the corporate world would use virtual learning by 2020, and the pandemic coincidentally acted as a catalyst for this adoption. So it’s no wonder that the global eLearning Market is predicted to be worth $521.8 billion by 2027. However, with so many different technologies and approaches available, it can

Understanding The Talent Management Process

Much has been written about talent management of late, in part due to the radical shakeup taking place in the world of employment, due to the COVID-pandemic. The transition to remote or hybrid working, the great resignation, and a long overdue reappraisal of workforce diversity have a led to talent management, and human resources in

5 Learning and Development Strategy Framework Examples

If you are tasked with building a learning and development strategy framework from scratch, or reviewing your current one to optimise, industry benchmarking is a great way to generate ideas, observe best practices and to avoid making silly mistakes. What is Industry Benchmarking? Industry benchmarking is an exercise that measures key practices and metrics within

How to Keep Employees Engaged in a Virtual Setting

Even without the threat of COVID-19, remote working is a work benefit many companies have been offering their employees as of late. Remote or virtual working takes a lot of the commuting-related stress off your employees especially when most of their daily tasks can be done from the convenience of their homes. It allows a

Why Remote Working Kills Spontaneous Learning

Spend a week sat in close proximity to one of your best managers or sales people and you will pick up more learning than if you attended a 3 day course. Informal learning and learning in the flow of our work forms, in my opinion at least, 80% of all of the learning that we

5 Ways To Get Employees Excited about PDPs

Written by: Monika Bajaj  Let’s face it, between high sales targets and looming deadlines, Personal Development Plans or PDPs often become the fluff that People Management team can afford to indulge in. While writing and submitting them is often adhered to as a tick-box exercise, it is the follow-through and ownership that falls through the cracks. However, 

7 Steps to Performance & Avoid the Performance Trap

Written by: Ashley Wickham  In 1960 McGregor stated ‘all we can do is set up certain conditions that will maximise the probability of employees developing an interest in what they are doing and remove the conditions that function as constraints’. Are we working to that aim? The Performance Process has been with us for some while

10 Ways You Know You’re An L&D Manager

Working in an L&D role has its ups and downs. From limited training budgets and  expensive training providers to keeping up with latest learning and development “buzzwords” and dealing with difficult delegates. However common these situations are, how do you really know you work in L&D? As an eLearning company, Skillshub is committed to creating

10 Essentials For An On-Boarding Programme

Written by: Garima Patet Successfully hiring the “right” candidate is only half the battle won. If you truly wish to setup a successful path for the new hire and retain top talent then a carefully planned, as well as carefully choreographed new hire on-boarding programme is essential. While most companies agree that on-boarding is one

So You Want To Create An Agile Learning Culture?

It’s not hard to see why your organisation would want to create an agile culture. In these unprecedented times of global change and technological revolution, commercial and economic disruption is constant and intense. Once stable business models, be that combustion engines, high street shopping, even desktop software are becoming dated almost overnight and being rapidly

6 Reasons Why You’re Failing To Create A Learning Culture

Research shows that the millennial generation – now pretty much the biggest workforce generation – has an innate thirst for learning. This means that if you can’t get the eager-beaver millennial generation too learn, then this a sure sign that something is wrong in your organisation: it looks like you’ve  failed to create a learning culture.

How To Develop A Winning Partnership Between L&D And The Business

Research suggests that just under half of today’s C-Suite believe that their L&D programmes are not ‘very or fully aligned’ with corporate priorities, with leaders locked in antagonistic relationships with L&D. As an eLearning company, Skillshub is committed to creating efficient and impactful learning experiences. Contact us to find out more. So, how can L&D

How Modern L&D Managers Are Tackling Today’s Top Challenges

Obstacles and setbacks are an unavoidable feature of working in the L&D arena. But, its an L&D leader’s ability to tackle these challenges head on which really matters. Resilient organisations that can continually develop articulate solutions to the recurring L&D challenges will gain that edge. The 2017 Workplace Learning Report clearly outlines the key challenges

4 Ways For Creating A Learning Culture In An Organisation

Creating a positive learning culture in any organisation is vital to creating a best-of-breed business and gaining and maintaining competitive advantage in your sector. You all know that it’s employees that make the difference, for better or worse, but, it’s a competitive world and if you want to ensure that your teams can outperform the

5 Ways To Get Stakeholder Buy In For Learning & Development

The CGC 2016 Enterprise Learning Report of senior L&D executives showed that, ‘obtaining the necessary budget, time and people’,  to implement L&D was their top challenge. This shows that stakeholder management and the act of courting budget holders, influencers and sceptics and getting them united behind your L&D programme is crucial to success. Even so,

Top 5 Learning & Development Conferences In The UK

With the drive to go on screen for learning, it’s easy to forget that there are still several important face-to-face L&D conferences in the UK which offer unrivalled: networking, learning and even deal-making opportunities for L&D professionals. In saying that, most of these face-to-face conferences will be integrated with and augmented with live, interactive mobile-based

5 Reasons Why Microlearning Needs To Be Part Of Your L&D Strategy

If Microlearning isn’t part of your L&D strategy yet then it should be. Early adopters of Microlearning are already seeing huge benefits. If you don’t act now, you will soon fall dangerously behind the industry pace. Microlearning is, in a nutshell, about allowing students to learn on-the-go by enabling on-demand access to short elearning modules

Why Should Mentoring Have A Greater Influence In L&D?

Mentoring as a long term means of spiritual guidance, personal growth and decision support has been around for a long time, but it’s probably fair to say that it has struggled to find its place within the learning and development delivery framework. It can be seen as a little too intangible and as a result,

What Are The Latest Methods To Evaluate Training?

Modern training evaluation is a combination of the very old and the very new. At the one end of the time continuum we have Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Evaluation first developed in 1959 which still sits at the heart of modern training evaluation. While at the other end of the continuum we have bleeding-edge