13 Strategies for Enhancing Training & Development in Your Organisation

Training & Development is vital for nurturing a skilled workforce capable of driving organisational growth. As an eLearning company, we recognise the importance of creating continuous learning and improvement within your organisation. In this guide, we’ll delve into 13 effective strategies to bolster training and development initiatives in your organisation. From crafting bespoke eLearning training

The Kirkpatrick Model of Evaluation Explained

The Kirkpatrick Model is a widely-used, four-level training evaluation method that benefits both learners and educators by allowing them to understand the value and impact certain training has had on a team. Donald Kirkpatrick first published his ideas about training evaluation in 1959, but it wasn’t until 1975 when he further defined them in his

What Is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality is the idea of taking the real world around you and enhancing it to make it better. What if I told you that AR is going to make an appearance on the L&D scene? There are so many ways L&D professionals can use augmented reality within their bespoke elearning solutions, so I’ve put together

21 Ways Virtual Reality Is Being Used For Training

The training world is rapidly changing. More and more of us are pushing aside traditional classroom style training to focus on consuming elearning content, virtual training and microlearning. So how do L&D managers develop their training even further? Ever thought about using Virtual Reality as a training concept? I’ve put together 21 examples of how

Using Social Learning To Engage Your Learners

Research tells us that we learn and retain information better, and are more motivated,  if the learning encounter occurs within a social context. Also, through physical and mental rehearsal of behaviours in a social learning context, our real world responses are also improved. This all sounds great, so how can we apply this dry social learning

7 Steps To Creating A Lasting Coaching Culture

Having realised that a coaching and mentoring culture is vital for success in your business, you are probably now wondering how best to build one. And if you do manage to achieve this, you’ll need to take steps to ensure that your newly created learning culture doesn’t become a short-lived fad. So, how should you

A Useful Training Feedback Form Template

Feedback forms, happy sheets, evaluation forms – no matter what you call them it’s very important that you can gather some reactionary level feedback from your delegates after they have attended a training event. Note that these forms normally just take a quick temperature check about the training. They don’t measure the ROI or business

50 Train The Trainer Tips

Even the best trainers need to train too. Here’s 50 tips to help you improve your training style. 1. Understand your attendee’s need. Before you start your session, ask delegates to describe their roles, key challenges and their current knowledge level. This will enable you to pitch your content at the correct level so it

A Useful Personal Development Plan Template

Personal development planning is all around self-reflection and self-analysis. It’s about being able to take a step back and look at your strengths and weaknesses so you can make a plan on how to improve them. Many people struggle with this process. Overall there are 3 key stages to creating a personal development plan that

A Useful Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire For Managers

Skillshub contains hundreds of elearning content sessions. But how did we know which sessions to create? Yes, we collated all of the training needs analysis that we’ve conducted for our clients over the years and created a hit list of topics and subjects. After all, we want to make sure content is relevant! Same goes

A Simple Guide To Training Needs Analysis & Free Template (Excel)

There are many ways to conduct a training needs analysis and the Skillshub team and CEO have been involved in some of the most complex around, with multi-dimensional competencies and different levels at each. The process can be as complex or as easy as you need it to be for the stage that your company